What You Should Know Before Buying Cheap Log Cabin Kits
Why Choose A Log Cabin Kit?
To start with, log cabins are energy efficient, they bring us closer to nature, and they are attractive and versatile.
If you are put off owning a log cabin home by the thought of building it with your own hands, then the log cabin kit is for you.
You might choose a log cabin kit if:
• You don’t have any building experience and/or carpentry knowledge
• You want to build a log cabin but don’t want to fell the trees and notch logs
• You don’t have spare time to build your log cabin from scratch
• You don’t have the budget to build a custom log home
• You want an affordable and flexible log cabin
• You want some input into the design and build but are happy to use an existing kit as your starting point.
• Once you have decided a log cabin kit is the correct option. You will want to do a quick sanity check:
Is the company reputable?
Are they registered with the international log builder’s association?
Do they use correct notching techniques?
Do they use Scandinavian Saddle, Full Dovetail, Butt and Pass or Corner Post Notches
Are all the materials you need included?
Be sure to understand the difference between log wall systems, roofing systems and interior fixtures. What’s included with your kit?
If you need more specific advice regarding kit manufacturers then read what you need to know.
The remainder of this article will now discuss finding the cheapest option for your kit and how to save money without cutting corners and affecting the quality of your final build.