This Pain Map Could Help Reveal Exactly Why Your Stomach is Hurting

This Pain Map Could Help Reveal Exactly Why Your Stomach is Hurting


Constipation (Lower Right and Center Abdomen)

Constipation is an inability or difficulty pooping, usually because the poop is too dry or hard. This happens when the large intestine (also called the colon) absorbs too much water from food as it moves through the intestines. Constipation is a very common cause of pain in the center and the lower right side of the abdomen. Not drinking enough water or eating enough fiber, poor diet, certain medications, pregnancy, and lack of exercise can all cause constipation.

Occasional constipation usually resolves on its own and is a sign that you might need to improve your diet or water intake. Laxatives and fiber supplements can help relieve constipation by softening poop and making it easier to pass or stimulating the colon muscles.

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