The Power of Breathwork: Techniques to Relieve Ailments
Buteyko Breathing for Calm and Oxygen

How to do it: Take slow, shallow breaths through the nose to boost oxygen and ease anxiety.
Buteyko Breathing, named after its creator, Russian doctor Konstantin Buteyko, is a specialized technique that aims to improve oxygen intake and reduce anxiety. It involves slow, shallow breaths through the nose, focusing on controlled and reduced air volume during inhalation. This technique, dating back to the 1950s, corrects dysfunctional breathing patterns, often involving over-breathing and mouth breathing. By slowing down the breath and emphasizing nasal breathing, Buteyko Breathing enhances oxygen use in the body, regulates carbon dioxide levels, and balances the autonomic nervous system. This practice benefits various parts of the body, particularly the respiratory system, by increasing lung efficiency and alleviating asthma symptoms. It also reduces anxiety and stress by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering a sense of calm and mental well-being.