40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit

40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit


23.Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon was the plantation home of the first U.S. president, George Washington. The estate sits on the Potomac River in Fairfax County, Virginia. It was built following Palladian Architecture styles, as was the tradition in Georgian Revival buildings. As the Washington family’s fortunes continued to decline, the descendants who inherited the home were unable to manage its upkeep, and it began to fall into ruin. Thankfully, the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association saved the house from utter destruction in the 1800s. They preserved it until they added it to the Historic Landmark in 1960. IThe Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association still owns it to this day.

When Washington’s ancestors acquired the estate, it was named Little Hunting Creek Plantation after the nearby creek. When Washington lived there, the property spanned over 8,000 acres, though it has been reduced to around 500 acres today. The architect of the mansion is unknown. Some attribute it to John Ariss, a prominent Virginian architect who designed Paynes Church and Mount Airy. Others credit Colonel Richard Blackburn with its design, and still, many historians believe Washington alone is responsible for Mount Vernon’s design. The truth shall remain a mystery to us forever! We are confident that the architect designed the next site, though, so stay tuned to find out more about the Pabst Mansion!

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