40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit

40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit


21.Bishop’s Palace

Bishop’s Palace in Galveston, Texas, is a classic example of rich Victorian architecture. Also known as the Gresham Castle, they built it entirely of stone between 1887 and 1893. It was so strong it withstood the great hurricane that hit the city in 1900, during which the Gresham family sheltered hundreds of people. Walter Gresham, the original owner, was a Democrat representative for Texas. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Galveston later purchased it, which still owns the property; now, it is open to the public with an organization aiding Catholic students housed in the basement.

The palace covers just over 19,000 square feet and is on Broadway and 14th street in the East End Historic District. Its value today is estimated to be over $5.5 million, and a portion of each admission ticket supports the preservation of the palace. The castle has a basement and three floors, though the basement is raised and can be its own floor. On the second floor, what was previously one of the Gresham daughter’s room has now been converted to a chapel, complete with stained glass, a fresco depicting the four gospel writers on the ceiling, and an altar.

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