40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit

40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit


15.The Henry Ford Estate

Fair Lane, named after a region in Cork, Ireland, was the principal residence of Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his wife, Clara, in Dearborn, Michigan. Built between 1913 and 1915, Frank Lloyd Wright started the design, but an assistant completed it after Wright fled to Europe with his mistress. In addition to other famed architects, Thomas Edison laid the house’s cornerstone and helped design the home’s hydropower electrical system. The home is made of limestone and employs the Prairie Style, a 19th and 20th-century style commonly found in the Midwest and characterized by flat roofs and extensive horizontal lines.

The main residence and part of the grounds are open to the public. However, they preserve the remaining portion of the estate as a nature study area for the University of Michigan. The estate includes a 31,000 square foot house with 56 rooms and even used to house a restaurant. They built it on 1,300 acres of farmland. The home was one of the first historical sites designated a National Historic Landmark and is not one to miss! Next up on our list is another must-see: Glensheen of Minnesota.

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