40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit

40 US Historical Homes That Are Worth the Visit


10.The White House

Could any list of famous U.S. homes be complete without the home of the U.S. president? The world-renowned 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has been the home of every U.S. president, beginning with John Adams in 1800. The White House even survived being set on fire by British troops during the War of 1812. Previously known as the “Executive Residence,” it wasn’t officially named “The White House” until 1901 by our 26th President Teddy Roosevelt, who believed the generous location required a historic designation. Despite the famous address, presidents have to pay for food, staff, and events. It is not uncommon for Presidents to end their term in debt because of these expenditures.

The White House construction is a fascinating story, as with many events surrounding the Founding Fathers. There was a design contest to choose an architect, in which Thomas Jefferson submitted an anonymous losing proposal. Eventually, a design by architect James Hoban, an Irish immigrant, was agreed upon. Construction began with the first cornerstone laid in October of 1792. The structure features many elements of Classical architecture, influenced explicitly by Vitruvius and Andrea Palladio. It is grand in size with a 70 foot high and 168-foot wide structure. Furthermore, it takes more than 570 gallons to paint and is painted every 4 to 6 years. Sadly, like much of the construction during this period, slaves were the primary source of labor. Next, a simple but iconic humble home in Iowa.

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