How Familiar Are You with These Common Medical Conditions?

How Familiar Are You with These Common Medical Conditions?


9. Which illness was named after the French neurologist who published "Study of a Nervous Affliction", an account of nine patients who were afflicted with the disorder?

Correct Incorrect The notable disease characterized by physical and vocal tics was named after French physician Georges Albert Édouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette. In 1885, he wrote a detailed case study of nine patients who had the disorder. Although the earliest case of the disease was reported in 1825, Tourette was the first to advocate for the creation of a new clinical category for the condition. Jean-Martin Charcot agreed, naming the illness "Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome," but over time, it became commonly referred to as simply "Tourette's syndrome". The illness carries a stigma and is often misunderstood, largely due to portrayals in movies and television focusing on the aspect that causes involuntary swearing. In truth, only about one in ten Tourette's syndrome sufferers exhibit coprolalia. For a long time, the prevailing view considered Tourette's syndrome a purely psychological condition, but recent studies suggest it is likely a neurological condition influenced by genetic and environmental factors.

9. Which illness was named after the French neurologist who published "Study of a Nervous Affliction", an account of nine patients who were afflicted with the disorder?

  • Tourette's syndrome
  • Dressler's syndrome
  • Caplan's syndrome
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