20 Facts You Should Know About Immunotherapy Treatment

20 Facts You Should Know About Immunotherapy Treatment


FACT #2: In 1891, Dr. William B. Coley, the pioneer of immunotherapy treatment, made history by saving a patient with inoperable cancer.

Back in the late 1800s, surgery was pretty much the only option for cancer patients, and this troubled Dr. William B. Coley. His frustration grew, especially after he couldn't save his close friend.

In 1891, inspired by a case, Dr. Coley decided to take a bold step. He tried the unconventional approach on a man who had an advanced throat tumor and had difficulties eating. Remarkably, Dr. Coley's groundbreaking approach worked, and the patient soon returned to his normal life.

To honor him, CRI presents the annual William B. Coley Award, recognizing scientists whose work deepens our understanding of the immune system's cancer-fighting abilities and advances the development of effective immunotherapies for patients.

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