20 Facts You Should Know About Immunotherapy Treatment

20 Facts You Should Know About Immunotherapy Treatment


FACT #19:Macrophages can devour cancer cells.

Macrophages, known as the "big eaters" of the immune system, have the ability to consume cancer cells through a process called phagocytosis. However, tumors can sometimes manipulate macrophages, making them assist in cancer spread. Thankfully, immunotherapies have been developed to redirect macrophages to fight against cancer.

For example, cancer cells can signal to macrophages not to attack by expressing the CD47 receptor on their surfaces. Immunotherapies that block CD47 are in development and undergoing clinical trials to counter this evasion strategy. Macrophages can also support tumor growth and metastasis, the process of cancer spreading to other organs. Researchers are working on effective ways to target these behaviors as well.

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