20 Facts You Should Know About Immunotherapy Treatment

20 Facts You Should Know About Immunotherapy Treatment


FACT #18:The immune system uses cytokines to "sound the alarm."

The immune system acts swiftly when danger arises, similar to a well-trained fire station crew responding to an alarm. Instead of alarms, the immune system relies on substances called cytokines, which signal immune cells to move where needed for an effective response. Cytokines take various forms, enabling responses against various threats, including cancer.

Cytokines not only influence immune cells but also directly affect other cell types, both healthy and diseased. For example, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) was named for its ability to induce cancer cell death and it plays a role in eliminating infected cells. Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) is another cytokine that stimulates precise immune responses against tumors.

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