Can You Succeed in the Ultimate 'Grease' Quiz?

Can You Succeed in the Ultimate 'Grease' Quiz?


Quetion 19 - What inappropriate incident occurs live on TV during Danny and Cha-Cha's spotlight dance?

Correct Incorrect Some of the T-Birds moon the camera. - The mischievous T-Birds always have a trick up their sleeve! In the spotlight dance between Danny and Cha-Cha, they seize the opportunity to play a prank. Sneaking over to the camera, they proceed to lower their pants, cheekily mooning the camera as a humorous gesture.

Quetion 19 - What inappropriate incident occurs live on TV during Danny and Cha-Cha's spotlight dance?

  • Danny moons the camera.
  • Some of the T-Birds moon the camera.
  • Danny tries to make out with her.
  • Some of the T-Birds kiss Principal McGee.
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