The 9 Friendliest & Nicest Cat Breeds In the World

The 9 Friendliest & Nicest Cat Breeds In the World

While cats are often seen as independent and aloof, cat enthusiasts understand that this stereotype doesn’t fully capture their nature. Many cats are very affectionate with their favorite humans, and some are quite social and friendly with nearly everyone.

What Are the Friendliest, Nicest and Most Social Cat Breeds?

If you're looking for a friendly cat to become your new best friend, certain pedigreed breeds are known for their sweet and outgoing personalities. However, there isn’t a single breed that can claim the title of the friendliest among all.

That's why we’ve put together this list of some of the nicest, most social, and friendliest cat breeds in the world. Read on to discover some of the most affectionate feline companions out there!


If you love the idea of a friendly lap cat, the Birman could be the perfect match for you. This breed is sociable, sweet, and affectionate, striking a great balance between being outgoing and cuddly.

Birmans are friendly to everyone, including gentle, respectful children. Originating from Burma (now Myanmar), all Birman cats have distinctive traits, such as striking blue eyes and a pointed coat, which features a lighter body with darker “points” of color on the ears, nose, legs, and tail. Additionally, all Birmans have four white paws.


While the Abyssinian may be more playful than cuddly, this breed is incredibly people-oriented, friendly, and active. Intelligent and curious, Abys love to be in the thick of things and will often follow you around the house. They are also known for being one of the friendliest cat breeds when it comes to dogs.

With their outgoing personalities and striking appearance, Abyssinians make delightful companions.

One of the oldest cat breeds, the Abyssinian is named after Abyssinia, which is now Ethiopia. Although historians believe the breed may have originated in Southeast Asia, the first Abyssinians brought to England in the late 1800s came from Abyssinia, and the name has remained.


You might assume that the Burmese cat hails from Burma, but this breed was actually developed in the United States from a remarkable cat named Wong Mau, who originated from the Orient. Simply put, Burmese cats adore people.

Known as “Velcro cats,” they have a strong desire to be close to their humans, often following you around the house, jumping into your lap as soon as you sit down, and snuggling in bed at night—often burrowing right under the covers with you! Burmese cats are also playful and thrive on being the center of attention.

4Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is the largest of all cat breeds. With its tufted ears, large paws, and impressive size, Maine Coons can resemble bobcats, especially the brown tabby variety. However, these cats are known as gentle giants. As the official state cat of Maine, this breed developed in that region. Maine Coons are also recognized as one of the friendliest hypoallergenic cat breeds.

They get along well with almost everyone, including children and dogs. Due to their sweet and friendly nature, many people train them as therapy cats, bringing them to visit patients in hospitals and residents in nursing homes.

5Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic, also known as the Exotic Shorthair, is essentially a Persian cat with a short, plush coat. This breed was developed by crossing Persian cats with American Shorthairs, along with some Burmese and Russian Blues. Exotics are widely considered to be among the friendliest domestic cat breeds.

Like their longhaired relatives, Exotics are friendly, laid-back, and affectionate. This mellow breed prefers to cuddle in your lap rather than engage in vigorous activities. They don't demand constant attention, but their teddy bear-like appearance and tendency to give hugs make them irresistible to many.


Similar to their shorthaired Exotic relatives, Persian cats are incredibly sweet, docile, and peaceful. They form strong attachments and are devoted to their humans, making them a great fit for nearly any family.

Persians simply want to be near their loved ones and enjoy being admired! While much of the breed's history is speculative, the ancestors of modern Persians were brought from Persia (now Iran) to various parts of Europe in the 17th century.

Persians come in a wide array of colors and patterns, including the pointed variety known as Himalayan.


If you’re searching for a cat that loves to snuggle and purr, the Ragdoll is the perfect choice. This affectionate breed gets its name from its natural inclination to completely relax and even go limp when cuddled.

Ragdolls are not only stunning in appearance; they are also sweet, happy, and exceptionally social, often seeking out attention. They are very tolerant and accepting of all kinds of people, including gentle children, and many get along well with other animals, including dogs. Ragdolls are widely recognized as one of the friendliest large domestic cat breeds in the world.

These cats enjoy playtime, and some are even known to play fetch, much like dogs!


With their long, slender bodies, sleek pointed coats, and striking almond-shaped blue eyes, Siamese cats are truly exotic in appearance. Named after Siam (now Thailand), this breed has a rich history.

Siamese cats are known for being exceptionally outgoing and affectionate, forming strong bonds with both family members and new friends. They are also very talkative, often using loud meows to demand your attention.

These cats love to be close to you, often crawling into your lap, climbing up your back, snuggling in bed, and wrapping themselves around your heart.


The hairless Sphynx is one of the most unique-looking cat breeds, but its wrinkly, “space alien” appearance isn’t the only reason people are captivated by them. Sphynx cats are very outgoing and friendly, happily greeting both family members and strangers.

They get along well with everyone, including other cats and dogs, and are incredibly affectionate. Although they are often referred to as hairless, many Sphynx cats have short, fine hair on their feet, ears, and tails, while others may have a soft, peach-fuzz coat.

These cats tend to get chilly, especially in the winter, but they always find ways to stay warm—typically by snuggling up with you!

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