Decoding the Meaning of the 6 Different Wiggles of a Dog's Tail

Decoding the Meaning of the 6 Different Wiggles of a Dog's Tail

Dogs are very expressive animals - we may not always understand their language. A dog's body language is very indicative of how they're feeling, and tail wagging is an important part of that language. So what are the different types of tail wagging and what do they mean? Let's see.

1 "I'm so happy!"

This is the type of tail wagging every owner wants to see. The tail remains at medium height and moves back and forth. A particularly excited dog will wag its tail rapidly at this height, sometimes in large circular motions.

2 "I'm so sad!"

When the tail is low, it's a sign that the dog is depressed - they feel submissive, sad, worried, sick or scared. A tail tucked between the legs is the ultimate sign of fear in a dog, as the tail between the legs prevents the dog from releasing any scents that might attract attention.

3 "I'm crazy!"

The tail is upright and wagging rapidly - almost vibrating. A dog that warns of an impending attack may display other body language than this type of swaying, including growling, barking, baring teeth, and tense postures.

4 "I'm the boss!"

A dog holding its tail up (sometimes vertical) and shaking it stiffly is letting you know they're in charge. This dominant posture is often accompanied by other body language - head held high, legs apart, ears forward.

5 "I'm paying attention."

Attentive dogs will keep their tails level with the ground.

6 "I'm so confused!"

A slow but thorough rocking - especially when accompanied by a tilted head, a curious expression - may mean your dog is confused, anxious, or insecure. You may see this type of wobbling after saying something your dog doesn't understand.

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