17 Truthful and Hilarious Memes for Dog Parents
If you asked me about my top two loves, I'd likely say dogs and memes. If I had to pick just one? Dog memes!
These hilarious memes created by dog owners make us can't help laughing and saying "OMG, that's so true!" Enjoy the laughter and hope these pictures brighten your day!
#1 The Perfect Start to Life

What a sweet old timer! The boy must have been well-protected in the past 15 years. They're lucky to have had each other for so long. Wish I had a great buddy like that.
#2 Priorities

Talking about the best guard dog... We can't blame him. Who doesn't love their food, right?
#3 Shedding Season

Some dogs never stop shedding. There is dog hair everywhere like the Apocalypse has begun…or should we call it, the A-PAW-calypse?
#4 Let's Cuddle

Dogs don't understand why you are lying on the yoga mat and doing crunch. They think it is a signal to cuddle on the floor. Funny thing —it also looks like he opened the front camera and took a selfie by mistake!
#5 Was She Fired?

Look at her adorable head tilt! It seems her wondering "Why are you still here?" and waiting for you to leave so the party can start.
#6 We All Know the Answer

What a smug grin. Yeah, yeah, we get that. YOU are a good boy! Come here to get your treat.
#7 Who Let Her Out?

That's so hilarious. This dog is so shocked that you seeing your teacher out of school. It seems someone's worldview is annihilated. "Whaaaaat? Wait... you're telling me they DON'T live in the salon??? "
#8 What! Are! You! Eating!

This happens every time you find your dogs chewing something but you didn't give them anything in the past 30 minutes. 90% are socks and it's always cat poo if you are outdoors. Somehow they just look all delicious for the dogs. That's when we have to yell, "Stop! What! Are! You! Eating!"
#9 Wink, Wink

I got it, I'm "not" allowed to do that. Wink, wink. I do these things when you're not at home. Just like I "can not" chew your shoes.
#10 Great Deal

How wonderful it is! Deal! I'm definitely winning this one. Cutie pie, may I raise you a tummy tickle and 3 bedtime kisses?
#11 That's So True

Why do dog parents buy stuff for their dogs? Because they can't do it themselves? (LOL) We just love bringing new toys home and seeing their happy faces when you give them….Awwwww….
#12 Files Bankruptcy

You really thought the vet bill could be inexpensive? My antibiotics cost me $12, but dog antibiotics cost $55.
#13 Pet Me

Dogs are clingy, which we love. Look at that little face. He was like, "Hi, did you forget something?"
#14 Please, Let This Happen

What if it happens? Sounds like a heaven. Pure bliss! I would be the most happy person in the world.
#15 It's Called FURniture

I know, maybe I'm too spoiled for him. It's no big deal. All I need to do is wash the sofa cover and bed sheet often, but I love to snuggle with my dog. Not a lot of work to keep the thing that loves you more than anything else in the entire world happy. Remember, nothing will ever love you the way your dog does.
#16 How Dare You?

(Shocked) Are you saying the Dog language? What did you say? That's terrible, couldn't you think of a better word? Don't you love me anymore?
#17 Your Loss

What a cutie! This dog is so cute and as if she is saying, "You see? You see? That's what you get!"