Are You Ready For Hair Transplants?

If you are intrigued and want to know more about Hair Transplant, you should be aware of some side effects of hair transplant in this procedure. In addition, side-effects of hair transplant could be different for different patients. Of course, patients could not feel any hurt during the procedure, because they will be under anesthesia. It's common to feel it after a hair transplant.
11 Side Effects of Hair Transplant You Must Know
1. Bleeding Scalp
Bleeding is one of the most common side effects of the hair transplantation. There is a possibility to have some amount of bleeding during and post-surgery. On rare occasions, some bleeding in the donor area is high, although the doctor promises that there is a little bleeding during the procedure which is easily treatable. However, you need to contact a doctor if the constant bleeding happens.
2.Scalp Infections
According to some clinic data, it is very rare to have scalp infections, if you choose a well-known clinic under an experienced doctor. However these side-effects of hair transplant still exists. Don’t worry about it. In such a case, asking for a simple prescription of antibiotic can easily resolve this issue.
3.Thinning Of Hair Girth
This might sound a very bad hair transplant side effect. And it is an exactly opposite effect of why you primarily underwent the hair transplant procedure. This phenomenon often occurs after post-surgery with falling off of hair together. Although it is a successful surgery, the thinning of hair will happen. And you can take no measures to deal with it. Luckily, this act of recession is usually not permanent. After few months, your hair will go back to the original thickness.
Some patients who are sensitive to pain will experience radiating pain during and after the procedure, especially after FUT hair transplants. In most cases, the pain is rather tolerable and can be easily ease after a while. However, if someone suffers from a severe pain in 2-3 days, you should visit the doctor as soon as possible. Maybe some prescribed painkillers could ease the pain soon.
No matter what you could expect or not, the donor area is easier to leave a very thin line of scar after the transplant, especially for Follicular Unit Transplant. In most cases, this kind of scar could fade over time or can be covered with short hair growth. Under a very rare condition, the visibility of the scars need proper medical treatment.
6.Folliculitis or Cysts
A cyst is one of the major hair transplant side effects, which may appear with a string of pimple-like bubbles or a pimple sized protrusions. Sometimes, it could cause itching. Worst of all, a patient may suffer from folliculitis formation because of the hair follicles pushing deeper into the layers. In the normal condition, this symptom may disappear in some days with application of solution to keep the donor area well moisturized.
Itching is also one of the major hair transplant side effects. Generally, it usually appears in the occurrence of scabs. You need to pay more attention to the intensity of itching. In most cases, it is easily treatable with regular application of shampoo or oils. However, you must opt for a consultation with a medical expert, if the intensity of itching is totally beyond your tolerance.
Swelling is not frequently seen after hair transplant procedure. However, some patients will produce a symptom manifesting as the swelling of the forehead and the eyes. Commonly, it will not last for a long time unless it is in a severe condition.
9.Shock Loss
This symptom may be not a surprise. Some patients’ healthy hair will falling, although these areas have not been touched or used during hair transplant. You need to pay attention to this condition. Maybe it is an alarm for this surgery. In most cases, the hair will regrow in its natural state again but you can not ignore it .
Hiccups can be rare to see in clinic hair transplants. But some researches show that there are 5 cases of hair transplant out of 100 experiencing hiccups. It is unclear why are hiccups becoming one of the hair transplant side effects. According to these data, hiccups can last up to several days. Although it may not threaten your life, it will make you uncomfortable.
Numbness, is an inevitable hair transplant side effects after surgery. The average time for the numbness is close to 18 weeks. However, if you feel this numbness even after the period of 18 weeks, you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Are There Any Possible Long-Term Complications?
As mentioned above, most of the side effects are temporary but there is a possibility of long term complications that every patient should be aware of before undertaking the hair transplant procedure.
1.Grafts Which Fail To Take
When you suffer from a few weeks or few months waiting for your new hair growing after post-surgery, the outcome make you want to cry - there was no growth of any new hair or the growth in the recipient area but only some patches. In such cases, the patient has to undergo the entire procedure again.
2.Hair curl
In some cases, the new growth hair may curl in the recipient area making the hair look unnatural as compared to the remaining hair. Worst of all, the hair follicle may be subsequently infected in the scalp. If you did not take proper treatment, it will cause a possibility of long term complication.
So all in all, although hair transplant has some temporary side effects or some possibility of long term complications, which would recede over a period of time, it is a relatively safe procedure. The most important point to avoid these serious symptom is to choose a well-known hospital or clinic.