99% Of People May Ignore These Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cycling

According to the survey, long-term sitting can easily lead to wide shoulders, thick back, thin legs, and excessive abdominal fat, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. Cycling is a whole-body exercise that can exercise the muscles of the whole body and improve cardiorespiratory function. But do you know how to ride a bike more efficiently?
1.It’s suggested to cycle for at least 30 to 45 minutes every day for shorter sessions or 2 to 3 times a week for longer sessions of a hour or more. But don't ride for too long or use too much energy at a time, or it will only backfire.
2.To master the essentials of cycling. The height of the bicycle should be adjusted first to avoid contusion of the root of the thigh and subcutaneous tissue. You should also pay attention to pedaling hard, otherwise it will cause injury to the ankle and knee joints.
3.Ride in the correct posture. You shouldn't push your body too low while riding, as this can limit abdominal breathing.
4.The correct way of cycling can make exercise effective. Unscientific exercise style will only waste your time and hurt your body.
5.In addition, cycling does not only exercise the muscles of the whole body to improve cardiopulmonary function. If you want to lose weight, you can often try cycling to realize you goal.
People who ride regularly are definitely stronger than those who don't exercise often, in terms of physical and mental willpower.
Benefits of cycling:
It can prevent brain aging and improve the agility of the nervous system. The results of modern sports medicine research show that cycling is a heterolateral dominant movement, and alternating pedaling with two legs can simultaneously develop the functions of the left and right brains, preventing premature aging.
Though cycling you can improve cardiopulmonary function, exercise lower limb muscle strength and enhance body endurance. Cycling has the same endurance exercise effect on internal organs as swimming and running. This exercise not only benefits the 3 pairs of joints and 26 pairs of muscles of the lower limbs hip, knee and ankle, but also the muscles of the neck, back, arms, abdomen, waist, groin, buttocks, etc. Joints and ligaments are also exercised accordingly.
You can lose weight. When cycling, due to periodic aerobic exercise, the exerciser consumes more calories and can receive a significant weight loss effect.
The sexual function can be improved. Riding a bicycle for 4-5 kilometers a day can stimulate the secretion of estrogen or androgen in the human body, enhance sexual ability, and contribute to the harmony of sexual life between husband and wife.
Cycling can prolong life. According to the statistics of international committees survey, among various occupations in the world, postmen have the longest life expectancy, and one of the reasons is that they often ride bicycles when delivering letters.
Disadvantages of cycling:
In addition, poor riding posture can cause unnecessary injury, the most common health problems being chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system and genitourinary problems.
Riding a bicycle, coupled with the hard seat and bumpy road surface, will put the human body under pressure for a long time, affecting the local blood circulation, and causing pain and discomfort in the male prostate area. The longer the riding time, the more obvious the symptoms.
For women, excessive cycling can also cause compression of blood vessels and nerves in the genitals, resulting in perineal numbness and pain. The probability of occurrence is related to the time and intensity of cycling.
Therefore, riding requires the correct posture. If you decide to cycle, make sure you do it safely. And remember to have fun!