10 Benefits of Starting Your Day with a Walk

Every morning when you get up, exercise may not be your first priority. But starting your day with a walk can provide your body with many health benefits, whether in your neighborhood or on the way to work or school. Check the following 10 reasons why you might want to start your day with a few steps.
1. Boost your energy

A day starting with a walk will give you energy throughout the day. This is especially true if you're walking outside. Research shows that adults who walk for 20 minutes outdoors are more energetic than those who walk for 20 minutes indoors.
The next time you need some energy in the morning or wake up feeling tired, you might want to try a walk.
2. Improve mood

Taking a morning walk also has physiological benefits. It may help improve self-esteem, boost mood, relieve pressure, reduce anxiety and reduce fatigue. It can even relieve depressive symptoms or reduce your risk of depression.
3. Complete the physical activity of the day

Walking in the morning has another benefit - you can finish your day of physical activity before any other family, work, or school tasks derail you.
It's recommend by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans that healthy adults complete at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.
Now you can meet these requirements by completing a 30-minute walk 5 mornings a week.
4. It can help you lose weight

You can achieve your weight loss goals by taking a morning walk. Walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes can burn up to 150 calories. Along with a healthy diet and strength training, you may notice some weight loss.
5. Prevent or manage health conditions

Walking has many health benefits, including improving your immunity, and preventing and helping you manage a variety of health conditions. It also helps prolong your life and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
6. Strengthen muscles

Walking also helps strengthen your leg muscles. Change your pace from moderate to brisk to achieve better results. You can also change your routine by climbing stairs, going up and down hills, or walking on the treadmill. It helps build muscle tone by doing leg-strengthening exercises like squats and lunges.
7. Improve mental clarity

Taking a morning walk may help improve your mental clarity and ability to focus during the day. It also helps you think more creatively. Study has shown that walking allows your mind to flow freely and can help you solve problems better than sitting or being sedentary.
8. Sleep better at night

A morning walk may ensure a better sleep at night. Research have shown that people who exercised in the morning had better sleep quality at night than those who exercised in the evening. Still, more research is needed to determine why morning exercise is better for sleep than evening exercise.
9. Avoid the heat

Another benefit of taking a morning walk is obvious - you can workout before it gets too hot outside.
Make sure you drink enough water before and after your workout to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you if needed. Alternatively, plan to walk along a route with a fountain.
10. Make healthier choices throughout the day

A morning walk might inspire you to make healthier choices throughout your day, like choosing healthy lunches and snacks in the afternoon. After a walk, you may feel more energetic and less sleepy.